

Department of Sociology


Prof. Dr. Ruy Braga

Deputy Head:

Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Jackson


Leci Reis

José Antônio Nascimento (substitute)

The Department of Sociology Representative in the Teaching Commission of the BA in Social Sciences: 

Prof. Dr. Paula Marcelino

Licentiate in Social Sciences – Coordination:

Prof. Dr. Edison Bertoncelo

Licentiate in Social Sciences – Secretary:

Érica Rocha

Research Sector:

Raphael Mott

Events Sector:

Gustavo Mascarenhas


Graduate Program in Sociology (PPGS)


Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Hey


Prof. Dr. Márcia Lima


Evania Guilhon

Georgina Neta 

Program Coordinating Committee (CCP):

Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Hey (Coordinator)

Prof. Dr. Márcia Lima (Vice-Coordinator)

Prof. Dr. Álvaro Comin

Prof. Dr. Ruy Braga

Prof. Dr. Sergio Miceli

Prof. Dr. Bianca Freire-Medeiros (surrogate)

Prof. Dr. Edison Bertoncelo (surrogate)

Prof. Dr. Marcos César Alvarez (surrogate)

Prof. Dr. Paula Marcelino (surrogate)

Prof. Dr. Vera da Silva Telles (surrogate)

Student Representation:

1 member of the undergraduate course in Social Sciences

1 member of the Graduate Program in Sociology