Research Areas: Sociology of Law; Sociology of Punishment
Research Themes: critical theory; Brazilian social thought
Link(s): Lattes
E-mail: ldm@usp.br
Phone: +55 11 3091-3777
Room: 2133
Short Biography:
Master in Law and Development from Warwick University (1993) and PhD in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the University of São Paulo (1997), he has been a professor in the Department of Sociology at FFLCH-USP since 2010.
He was a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Law & Society (CSLS), UC Berkeley (2015). Former professor at the São Paulo School of Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2006-2009) and former visiting professor at the Faculty of Public Health at USP (2004-2007).
He researches in the areas of sociology of law and protection, critical theory of society and Brazilian social thought. He is part of the research collective Carceral Studies Working Group (CSLS), UC Berkeley.