Research Areas: Sociology of Punishment; Sociology of Violence; Historical sociology; Social Theory; Research Methods in Sociology
Research Themes: punishment; social control; violence; deviance; human rights; Brazilian social thought
Link(s): Lattes
E-mail: mcalvarez@usp.br
Phone: +55 11 3091-3716
Room: 2079
Short Biography:
Marcos César Alvarez is a sociologist, Free Professor at the Department of Sociology at USP, and develops teaching, research and extension activities related to the domains of Sociology of punishment and social control, as well as within the scope of social theory, methodologies of research and social thought in Brazil.
He has a degree in Social Sciences (1984), a Master's degree (1989) and a PhD (1996) in Sociology, all obtained at the University of São Paulo, and a post-doctorate at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2008-2009). He is a supervisor in the Department of Sociology and in the postgraduate program in Sociology at FFLCH-USP (master's degree and post-doctorate), having taught at the State University of Londrina/UEL, Paraná (1987-1991) and at the State University of São Paulo / UNESP, Marília Campus (1991-2004). He taught classes as a visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (2010), in Argentina, and at the Universidad de Salamanca, in Spain (2014).
He was a research assistant at CEBRAP (1985-1986), research consultant at the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (2009-2010) and senior researcher at the USP Violence Studies Center from 2004 to the present. He is the main researcher of the Technological Innovation Program / CEPID, Center for Research, Innovation and Diffusion at NEV-USP (running since 2013) and main researcher of the FAPESP project; Conflict management in the production of the contemporary city: the São Paulo case; (running since 2014), coordinated by professor Vera Telles (USP). He was coordinator of the Working Group; Violence, punishment and crime in Brazil; at the ANPOCS meeting (2011/2012).
His intellectual production encompasses books, collections, book chapters and articles published in magazines such as Tempo Social (USP), DADOS (IUPERJ), Revista de Sociologia e Política (UFPR) and Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais (IBCCrim).
He received a Scientific Initiation scholarship from the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (1983-1984), a master's scholarship from CNPq and CAPES (1985-1988), a doctoral scholarship from CAPES (1991-1994), a tutoring scholarship (1997-2000) through the Special Training Program (PET/CAPES/MEC-SESu), post-doctoral scholarship from CAPES (2008-2009) and today he is a Research Productivity fellow from CNPq, level I C.
As part of his administrative activities, he was president of the Research Committee (1997-1998 and 2001), president of the Research Ethics Committee (1999-2001) and head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology (1998-2001 and 2003-2004) at UNESP/Marília, Coordinator of the Human Sciences Area at UNESP (2001-2002), undergraduate coordinator at the Department of Sociology (2007-2008) and vice-coordinator of the postgraduate program in Sociology at FFLCH-USP (2009-2010 ), as well as a full member of the Postgraduate Committee at the same unit.
He is part of the editorial board of the magazine Plural (USP), the Revista Brasileira de Sociologia (SBS) and acts as a reviewer for Tempo Social (USP), among other journals. Director of Publications at ANPOCS and editor of the Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais between 2013 and 2015. He was Deputy Head of the Department of Sociology (2014-2016) and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at USP (2015-2018).
Current coordinator of the Working Group; Violence, Punishment and Deviance; (2017-2018) at ANPOCS. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the National Association for Human Rights, Education and Research (ANDHEP) and vice-coordinator of the Violence Studies Center.