Ricardo Mariano

Research Area: Sociology of Religion

Research Themes: Pentecostal movement in Brazil; partisan political activism and evangelical electorate; secularity; State secularism; religious parliamentary activity in Brazil; Pentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions; religion, conservatism and elections; Catholic concordat; General Law of Religions 

Link(s): Lattes

E-mail: rmariano@usp.br

Phone: +55 11 3091-3789

Room: 2075

Short Biography:

In the 2017-2018 biennium, he served as executive secretary of the board of directors of ANPOCS (National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences). He works as main researcher of the Thematic Project Religion, law and secularism: the reconfiguration of the civic repertoire in contemporary Brazil?, financed by Fapesp, carried out with Cebrap and coordinated by Paula Montero.

Conducts research in the area of sociology of religion, with the main objects of investigation being the Pentecostal movement in Brazil, evangelical party and electoral activism, sociological theories of secularization, secularism and state secularism, public debates and conflicts involving the performance of religious parliamentarians and human and minority rights in the National Congress, the reaction of evangelicals to the New Civil Code, the Pentecostal demonization of Afro-Brazilian cults, the theology of prosperity, the participation of conservative Christian groups in the 2010 presidential elections and 2014, the Catholic concordat, the General Law of Religions, among others.

He is the author of the book Neopentecostals: sociology of the new Pentecostalism in Brazil (Edições Loyola).