Urban Sociology; Sociology of Gender Relations; Sociology of Immigration (Jewish)
city; worker housing; women's political participation; violence against women; feminism and masculinity; Jewish immigration
She has obtained her undergraduate degree in social sciences (1959) from Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences of The University of São Paulo. She joint the faculty as a sociology professor in 1961. In 1966, she completed her specialization in sociology. His master's degree was obtained in 1969, with the thesis “Woman, School and occupation: the women's industrial gym in São Paulo. She became Ph.D in sociology in 1973, with the dissertation “I Have Nowhere to Live”. She became a full professor in 1889. Eva was one of the pioneers in research on women’s issues and social gender relations, such as women's participation in politics, violence against women, feminism and masculinities. In addition, he dedicated himself to urban issues, working-class housing and Jewish immigration. She was Senator of the Republic between December 1992 and January 1995. On October 19, 2018, she became the 62nd professor emeritus at FFLCH USP.
Short Biography:
She holds a bachelor's degree (1959), a master's degree (1969) and a doctorate in Sociology from the University of São Paulo (1973). She did postdoctoral work at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, in Paris with support from FAPESP in 1995-96. Interregional adviser for the Advancement of Women,Vienna UN Office.
She created the first undergraduate and postgraduate course on women at the University of São Paulo.
She was founder and President of the Center for Rural and Urban Studies (CERU) in the 1980s. She founded NEMGE, the Center for Women's Studies and Social Gender Relations of which she was Scientific Coordinator; She was the first President of the State Council for the Status of Women of the State of Paulo (1983-85), Senator of the Republic between December 1992 and January 1995.
She is currently a Senior Professor at the University of São Paulo. Appointed to perform the role of Senior Advisor to the rector at the rectory of the University of São Paulo. She coordinates USP WOMEN / UN. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Women's Thematic Chamber of the Regional Council of Medicine of São Paulo.
She has published books and articles on urban issues, working-class housing, women's political participation, violence against women, feminism and masculinities, and Jewish Immigration. She is a member of several international and national scientific associations. Consultant for the MCCLA research group (Women, Culture, Science, Letters and Arts) of the Infante Don Henrique Guest Chair for Island, Atlantic and Globalization Studies.
On October 19, 2018, she received the title of Professor Emerita from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences at USP.