Sociology of Religion; Quantitative Methods in Sociology
Afro-Brazilian religions (Candomblé and Umbanda); Catholicism; Kardecist Spiritism; Pentecostalism; sampling and quantitative data analysis
He obtained his undergraduated degree in Social Sciences from Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André, in 1970. In 1971, he completed a specialization in Demography at FFLCH. He obtained a master's degree in Sociology in 1974, with the thesis “Catholic message and social change in Brazil: 1940 to 1971”. He joined the FFLCH Social Sciences program as a teacher in 1976. He became Ph.D in Sociology in 1977, with the dissertation entitled “The self-employed worker under capital”. He obtained the title of professor in 1989, with the thesis “Os Candomblés de São Paulo”. He joint FFLCH as a full professor in 1993. He dedicated himself to the area of sociology of religion, working mainly on the following topics: Afro-Brazilian religions (Candomblé and Umbanda), Catholicism, spiritualism and Pentecostalism. On June 5, 2018, he became the 61st professor emeritus at FFLCH USP.
Short Biography:
Reginaldo Prandi is Professor Emeritus at the University of São Paulo. Graduated in social sciences from Fundação Santo André (1970), he obtained the title of specialist in demography (1971) from the University of São Paulo and, in the area of sociology, the title of master (1974), doctor (1977), associate professor ( 1989) and full professor (1993).
Professor at USP since 1976 and retired in 2005 as a full professor at the Department of Sociology at USP, he is currently a senior full professor at the same department and 1A researcher at CNPq.
He was one of the founders of the Datafolha Institute, a research organization for the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, participated in the Social Sciences Committee of the CNPq, coordinated the Sociology Committee of Capes and was a member of the Academic Committee of Anpocs.
He works in the area of sociology, with an emphasis on the sociology of religion, with the main objects of research and publication being Afro-Brazilian religions (Candomblé and Umbanda), Catholicism, Kardecist spiritualism and Pentecostalism.
He also works in the areas of sampling and quantitative data analysis. In addition to journal articles and book chapters, he is the author of more than 30 books, including works on sociology, mythology, children's literature and detective fiction.
Among other awards, in 2001 he received the Érico Vannucci Mendes Award, granted by CNPq, SBPC and the Ministry of Culture for his work in preserving Brazilian cultural memory; in 2017, the Unesco-PUC-Rio 10th Chair Award. He was nominated four times for the Jabuti award. In 2018 he received the title of Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo.